Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sandralee's Adventures in San Antonio, Day SIXTEEN!

Saturday in San Antonio finds us going to the BBQ Fundraiser for Espen's T-Ball Team at St. Dominic's Catholic Basement. The men were outside at the grill since 6:30 am. Upon arriving at the Church Basement, we came across the Team Mom and a couple of other team member's mothers. I introduced myself as Espen's Aunt visiting from the Rio Grande Valley and settled in to assist in any way I could. We served the BBQ plates with Chicken, Sausage, Beans, Rice, Potato Salad, Bread, Cutlery (fork, knife, napkin, salt and pepper in a plastic sleeve) and Jalapenos on the side for people who like a little zing with their meal! (I do!) ;) We started serving at 10:30 am until 2:00 pm or a little after. Once the shyness wore off, (I can be SHY at times) we settled into a comfortable working environment. I added the cutlery and 2 pieces of bread onto the plates as other moms added the food. We had MANY plates served and ready when people started trickling in to pick up their plates. Having a BBQ is a huge responsibility and the Team Mom, Alicia is very young and had no previous experience with a fundraiser. Once I told her I GREW up with our church having fundraisers ALL of the time, she relied on my 'expertise' on little things. When we were at T-ball practice, she had asked Jenn for 5 pounds of potato salad. I told Alicia that would not be enough. She asked another person to bring more. At the Fundraiser she told everyone that she thought 5 pounds of Potato Salad would be a big amount. It turned out to be one huge bowl, NOT nearly enough for 20-25 plates! We ALL live and learn! The afternoon in San Antonio was AWESOME! It was sunny and nice! Overall, everyone pitched in and the BBQ was a success. That afternoon, I started feeling a little woozy. I was OUT for the count the rest of the day. I took some allergy medication and I was knocked OUT! Jenn invited me to go out with them, but I told her to go out on a date with her man. I stayed home with the kids after Jr. brought home some Mexican food and just rested. Ethan and I were sitting in the living room watching the Tinker Bell Movie. Well, I was on Facebook and he was playing his PSP! I had a really good night's sleep. It seems like I slept FOREVER! I felt like Sleeping Beauty, except I woke up with spiky, wild hair and eye boogies!! lol! There was no Prince Charming to kiss me awake and take me to his Castle far far away in a distant land! ;) Just a good night's sleep and rest for my body! Fight that congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes and sore throat! Sorry there was no wild action or late night parties!!! Just a small town girl enjoying some quiet time! Thus was my WILD day in San Antonio! lol! ;) BBQ, time with Ethan and watching the back of my eyelids for a LONG time as I slept! ;) How utterly quaint and just what I need at this time in my life! Gives me time to reflect and make proper decisions, when ALL is quiet in my life!

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