Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day FIVE of Change=Comittment *6-1-10*

Today is Saturday and I always tend to slack off on the weekends and promise to 'start back up on Monday!' Then Monday rolls around and I never go back to eating right and exercising!!! I decided that I am NOT going to slack off on the weekends, but I have to strive to eat right AND eat LESS EVERY day!!! I spent the day sending out my resume to different companies in order to get back to work. I also completed my application for Financial Aid. Once I get a job, I am going back to school part time and working my school schedule around my work schedule. That way the bills can be paid and I still get an education, slowly but surely!!! I am almost done with my Associate's Degree and I hope to get a job as a Teacher's Aide. When I do, I can finish my degree online or after school.... again slowly but surely! I have tried many times to do all of this: lose weight, go back to school and etc..... and have failed many times. I have been drifting thru life... just EXISTING! I am going to LIVE and if I fall..... I will get back up and TRY.... TRY.... AGAIN!!!!!! So, if any haters read this and try to bring up my PAST, let me remind you that 'He who is without sin, can cast the first stone!!' As long as I am STRIVING, I know God can lead me to victory!!! The picture I posted was taken in San Antonio by one of my best friends, Jennifer. I believe it was in 2007 or 2008. I had already started my personal journey and had been doing great losing weight. This picture reminds me of how beautiful I can be if I get healthier!!!! There were other pictures taken, that I no longer have.... but that's for another blog!! Lol! ;) I had an omelette & wheat toast for breakfast. I had a sandwich on wheat bread with an apple for lunch. For dinner...... well.... I'll spare you the details. I did strive to eat less and say no to some foods. We had a birthday celebration for my cousin, (like 3rd cousin or so)Desi who turned 6 yrs old! I did NOT have chocolate cake. I had sugar free pineapple pie and ONE bitesized brownie. That was my chocolate fix. Overall, I am doing good. From eating whenever, however, as much as I wanted and at any time... I am proud of my discipline! Each day I will get stronger and LEARN to say no to 'bad' foods! Learn that if I am CRAVING chocolate, that one tiny bite is SUFFICIENT!!!!! Overall, day FIVE was successful... in MY book!!! PS I am eating apples, oranges and bananas for snacks and drinking Wyler's Sugar Free drinks, milk or water!!! ;)

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