Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sandralee's Adventures in San Antonio, Day FIVE!

Today has been a quiet day. Spent time 'assisting' my Jenn with her daycare. I say 'assisting' because she has everything organized and doesn't need my help! SO I do what she asks me to! ;)Some of these children, I have known since they were in diapers! For a woman who has no children, staying in an in-home Daycare is an ADVENTURE! There are wonderful kids, each showing their own little personality! Most of the parents have met me before and are used to me visiting frequently! I love seeing them play and listen to them talking to each other. It's always nice to 'hang out' with the kids and the ones that have known me for some time run up to me and give me a big hug and then run off to play. It's been a year since I've seen P and A, they are sooo big and I believe they will start school this coming year! In just a little bit, we are going to Espen and Ethan's baseball practice and probably hit up Chick-Fil-A for dinner as kids eat free today! The owner's mother works at Chick-Fil-A as a hostess and she is so wonderful! I LOVE that they play Christian music and Mama Chick-Fil-A takes the time to talk to us and make us laugh! One time she told us her son had bought her what I call 'Space Shoes'!! They are the new tennis shoes that help support your back and etc. She looks so 'hip' in those shoes! One by one, the kids are now being picked up by their parents and yet another day will come to a close! Will post about my evening soon! We headed to the ball park for the boys baseball practice. Espen was up first and he did a great job! We had Carly, the Rottweiler pup out playing on the grass. The coach was yelling out everyone's name as they came up to bat when I heard the name, 'Josiah.' My heart skipped about a dozen beats and my gasp of surprise seemed to be loud enough for the world to hear. At that exact moment, my eyes filled up with tears, but I remained strong and didn't let the tears spill over. Little moments like that make the grief feel insurmountable, yet I know it is not.We moved over to Ethan's practice as Espen continued to practice on his own. After practice, we headed to my favorite Chick-Fil-A near the Ingram Park Mall. The staff is wonderful and the family got their regular VIP welcome. Being at that particular Chick-Fil-A brought some bittersweet memories. I had met up with Josiah's father there one night.I felt a little nostalgic after hearing Josiah's name at the ball park and remembering meeting his daddy at that exact same Chick-Fil-A for dinner one night. I miss my baby, but the healing process is in place. The hurt will probably never go away, but each day I am stronger and I know Josiah's memory will never be forgotten. I love you son! On a lighter note, I met a friend of Jr's (Jenn's husband) tonight. His name is Chris and I told him he would be mentioned in my blog! I told him he would be referred to as 'Playa' Playa'!!!' :) He mentioned all the women of San Antonio already knew that but not to let all of the Valley women know just yet! Speaking of Playa's... I let 'Big Daddy P' know he had also made my blog today when he picked up his son and he just LAUGHED!!! Running the Valley, lol! ;) From San Antonio? Ha!!! ;)You're too funny, Percy! ;)Some of the employees at Chick Fil A came out beating play drums and shouting, 'Gooooo Spurs!' The manager said they were doing that because he was a Lakers fan! All I can say is, 'Gooooooooooooooo SPURS!!!!!' ;) Overall, it was another quiet day. Just what I like, I am not looking to party like a rock star... just spend quality time with good friends aka family! My fifth day in San Antonio is now coming to a close! It was a great day! ;) God bless and good night!

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