Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sandralee's Adventures in San Antonio, Day SEVEN!

I will be in San Antonio a week already tomorrow! That is why I chose to stay this long, because the days just fly by! I miss the Valley! My parents, sisters, and everybody else! I miss my cousin Carolyn and her dogs, Sabastain and Chloe! Have you ever wanted to be in two places at one time? I would live in the Rio Grande Valley AND San Antonio! San Antonio is a huge bustling city! There are so many things to do and soooo many people to meet! Last night at Chacho's my friend Daryl and I were waiting for the girls to join us. I suggested we start playing a game that him and I have played before. We look around and try to guess what the person passing by does for a living. Some people are gracious and humor us but some of them can be a little rude! Which is expected, because not just ANYONE sits in the middle of a restaurant asking, 'Excuse me, we're sitting here waiting for our friends to arrive and we are guessing what you do for a living. Will you please tell us?' One woman with long hair I guessed was a teacher, professor or librarian. Daryl guessed she was retired. She was a good sport and she told us that we would NEVER guess! She was an EXOTIC ANIMAL KEEPER! She worked with Lions, Tigers and Bears! OH MY! ;) I wonder NOW if she was putting us on! I like playing that game! The whole point of playing the guessing game is looking for seemingly OBVIOUS details. Such as tattooes, style of hair, method of dress, piercings, and their demeanor. One man didn't want to play and we decided he was a serial killer, dumb jerk! ;) He said you would NEVER guess what I do and walked off! :( I guess we were stereo-typing, but we were just having fun! SOME of the people we DID NOT ask were pretty WILD guesses! lol! ;) I'll keep THOSE between Daryl and I! ;)This day was pretty quiet. I helped change a poopy pamper and WOW, did I gag! Sooo much stuff coming out of own baby! *gags* ;) I've changed plenty of pampers before, but it had been a while. I felt a little sting in my heart thinking that Josiah would already be four months old. I accept those little heartaches, because I am human. Sitting in the play area watching the kids, I was bombarded by Cody (new Jen's son) diving into my arms and burying his head on my breast and hugging me tight. I kissed the top of his head and he ran away and started to play. Those little moments of a child's unadulterated acceptance of a person by showing their love thru a simple hug is PRICELESS to me. I consider myself a fairly decent person and I love when children can see my good heart and accept me. There is a belief in my mexican culture that states, 'A person has a good heart and is decent when children and pets are not afraid of them. Children and pets can sense evil.' It sounds better in Spanish, but you get the gist of it! Needless to say all children and pets adore me! ;) The day passed by fairly quickly. Jenn and I ran errands after the kids went home. The cool night air was so awesome! Driving around, the city is enveloped in lights and there is always traffic. San Antonio really does crawl into your skin and makes you fall deeply in love! I don't think it will ever get old when I do move back! It's just like a relationship, we have to keep the home fires burning! There is always SOMETHING to do! We didn't go anywhere special tonight. We stayed at home and we had sandwiches for dinner. Now I am doing laundry and fixing to clean the kitchen! EVERYWHERE I go, I seem to be washing dishes! lol! I really don't mind washing dishes. I get to think and write some things in my head so that when INSPIRATION hits, I jot it down on Microsoft Word. Washing dishes actually HELPS with my writing. I can just hear ALL of the housewives saying, 'Come wash my dishes and clean my kitchen to get your inspiration!' ;) I am going to say Ta Ta because I have a slight headache. Must be the drinks I had last night, hence the picture! ;) They were yummy! Tomorrow is a new day! Let's see where my adventure leads tomorrow! God bless and good night! ;)

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