Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sandralee's Adventures in San Antonio, Day NINE!

Saturday morning came by way too soon! We were out the door by 8:15 am to go to Espen's T-ball game. I have seen Ethan play but this will be the first time I get to see Espen play. We got to the ball park just to find out that the game was forfeited due to something or other. 'Blue' aka The Umpire allowed both teams to have one chance at bat as a scrimmage, I think. Either way, I got to see Espen play for a little bit, even though he had done great at practice! After the forfeited game/scrimmage was over, Jenn and I took the Expedition for a re-wash since it had rained the night before. I bought some cute key chains. One for my brother, Dan who is in the Airforce, one for my brother Richard who is an avid poker player and one for my cousin Joe who graduated as a dental hygienist! We were allowed to take Carly into the carwash shop and everyone was petting her. She is just so adorable! Then Jenn and I took Carly to the vet while the rest of the family went to breakfast. We saw sooo many cute pets there and OF COURSE Carly was being petted by everyone! 'Fat girl' Carly now weighs almost 18 pounds! She gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks! After Carly's vet visit, Jr picked up Carly to take her home and Jenn and I went to the Olive Garden. We were having a pleasant lunch when we saw this man out with his four children. He had three girls and one little boy. We found out the oldest daughter was 17 years old and we were admiring the baby. I asked what his name was, and they told me his name was JOSIAH. That is two JOSIAH's in ONE week. The first time, the tears threatened to spill but I stayed strong. My heart stopped beating for a few seconds and I felt like I was in a long tunnel and I just STARED at Jen. She couldn't look at me because she didn't want to cry... she just whispered, 'It's ok!' The tears started rolling down my face so quick and I tried really hard to stop them. This Josiah was only seven months old. He was so cute and the tears were in grief for my son, but the kids didn't notice anything. Josiah was keeping them occupied. I took a deep calming breath and the world returned to normal. Jen reminded me I always asked God for signs that Josiah was fine and she's right. I ASKED God straight up to give me little signs that he hadn't forgotten me and to please allow Josiah to say hello once in a while to mommy. I am not debating any biblical truth here, other than with GOD all things are possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I, as his princess child (He is a KING), asked him PERSONALLY to show me that Josiah said hello once in a while.... who are WE to doubt that my GOD can answer a mother's heart? WE are NOBODY! God is mysterious, so I have no doubt that he can do such a thing. If it's a grieving mother's disillusion, then it helps me cope with the grief and nobody should question MY personal belief of faith that God can do strange and miraculous things! Needless to say, I was at the Olive Garden with people around so I cried a bit and then forced myself to remain strong. I was helpless to stop the tears that fell. We continued on with our lunch, and I had the (everybody guess)...... TOUR OF ITALY! ;) That's what I order most of the time, so I get to take the Lasagna home and have it for dinner or lunch the next day! ;) As Jenn and I were sitting there enjoying our lunch, an elderly lady was being seated. She was asked if it was only two people at the table. She replied, 'Oh no! My husband is joining us! He is the tall handsome one!' Jenn and I looked at each other and laughed. She heard us laughing and we smiled at her as I told her that she was toooo cute! She smiled and said it was TRUE! We sat in great anticipation waiting to see someone like Harrison Ford come in! Her husband walked by us and he was tall and handsome! He needed a haircut though! lol! ;) Jenn and I both looked at him until we caught his eye and said, 'Hello handsome!' At first he looked at us like we had fallen off the short bus until his wife explained what had just happened! Just shortly after we told Josiah's dad and family good-bye, Jenn and I were finishing up our meal. We 'made friends' with Andy our waiter and learned he was also from the Rio Grande Valley, Progreso to be exact. He said MANY of the staff was from the Valley. We talked about Fiesta and etc. Andy is pursuing a degree in business and just has about 6 months left. Great job, Valley boy! ;) Proud that my Valley is 'repping' in San Antonio! ;) As we were getting ready to leave, I asked Mr. and Mrs. Handsome how long they had been married. She said 57 years! If she still calls her hubby handsome after 57 years, they are doing something right! I found out their name was Mr. and Mrs. Salinas. Mrs. Salinas had her sister with her. She was familiar with the Rio Grande Valley and asked me what city I was from. She then proceeded to tell me that what her sister said about her husband was true. She said when her husband passed away, they allowed her to live in the guest house and that Mr. Handsome was a GEM! Mr. Handsome seemed to have a QUIRKY sense of humor because he promptly said his sister-in-law's nose was GROWING! He said, 'Put THAT in your blog!' lol! ;)It's such an honor to meet 'real' men who honor their wives and extended family. I told them they would make my blog and Mr. Handsome asked what a blog was. I told him in simple terms it was an online journal of sorts. He said he would never read it because they don't have a computer, but I told him how other people would read it and be INSPIRED by him and his wife. They both seemed pleased! What an AWESOME couple! They reminded me of my 'young' parents who have been married for 42 years! Love you mom and dad! My lunch at Olive Garden was pleasant, even though I cried for my Josiah. Coming back to that topic, SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!! The name Josiah is NOT a common name. I saw TWO Josiah's in ONE week! My baby really wants mommy to be happy and know that he loves her! That is so like my God to send a little hello from Heaven! Mommy loves her some Josiah! Whatever my future holds, it's friends and family that make the road seem brighter. Jenn said I should find a 'baby daddy' donor and she would carry the baby for me. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! I soooo should take her up on that! Even though that may NEVER happen, the gesture of her EVEN offering filled my heart with gladness. For now, she lets me 'borrow' Lauren, Deandra, Ethan and Espen to fulfill my 'motherly' quota! Oh and now Carly! ;) I don't get to borrow Jr (her man) but he has accepted 'the Duh Duh' (as the kids call me) and has been a TRUE gentleman! Now what he says about me behind my back is another matter! He knows we can get crazy when we want to! ;) He is always so patient and kind when Jenn and I start making plans to do this and that! He just 'goes with the flow' and tells Jenn, 'Whatever you want to do, baby!' Awwwwwww! Que cute! It is now time to get ready for the Fiesta Night Parade, so I will blog about THAT later tonight or tomorrow! So far, it has been an EXCELLENT day! Shout out to my cousin Carolyn and the family back in the Rio Grande Valley! I will be home next week-end! ;) We stopped at Walgreen's before we went to the Parade. Elvis was walking out of the store an Jenn dared me to stop him and ask if I could take his picture. I jumped off the truck and asked if I could take his picture. He said yes and posed for a picture. He then asked me if he could give me a hug and I said yes. He hugged me tight and held on a little too long! lol! ;) We got to the Parade and had a little walk to the spot where the family had gotten 'front row joe' seats! I seriously need to start walking again! That walk kicked my butt! ;)The San Antonio Flambeau Parade was a SIGHT! I was told at least 500,000 people attend the parade! It was so much fun! I got a text from an old HHS classmate, Monica that said she liked my floral blouse. I was like, 'WHAT?' I got another text that said to look up at the crowd in front of me. Monica was sitting right across the street from where our seats were! What are the odds to run into an old high school friend in a crowd of 500,000? That was AWESOME!! The San Antonio Flambeau Parade was completely and totally beyond words! All of the Military Branches were represented. I saw some Floats from the Rio Grande Valley. The Citrus Fiesta and Border Fest were a couple that I remember from the Valley. There were clowns, fire trucks, police cars, beautiful floats, the UT Longhorn Band 'Hook 'em Horns' and soooo much more! Over all, the experience was very much appreciated. I want to try and come every year if possible! The food booths were great too! There was turkey legs, fajita tacos, super nachos and etc. The evening was beautiful and it is an experience that will never be forgotten! These are the MOMENTS! ;)

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